Saturday, September 22, 2007

CITY LIVING......not for me!!

Okay, I grew up in the city. St. Louis city as a matter of fact. Maybe that's why I'm not a big fan of city living.
I remember when you had GREAT neighborhoods, you knew all of your neighbors and we watched out for one another, kids played outside from the time they got up in the morning until it was time to come home for dinner. It was awesome!
I came home from work yesterday and found one of my favorite potted plants, a very odd cactus, had been stolen from my front porch. The people that know me, know I absolutely love plants. I have one plant thats 29 years old. Anyway, someone felt that it okay to walk up on my porch and steal the plant!! It wasn't small either and kind of heavy. I had just replanted it in a large clay pot. Which by the way, was part of a set of matching clay pots! HMMMM!!!
I immediately ran to the back yard to check on my other plants. I have a huge rubber tree that was from my fathers funeral in 1990. It was still there. I suppose they would have to have a trailor to load that on.......way too big to carry.It just makes me really sad that you can't decorate your house or let a plant out to get some sun without the threat of theft.
Then, at about 8:30 last night, our neighbor called and said Marks door to his jeep was wide open.(He parks in the back of the house) Well, I had been out there earlier and know the door was not open then. Mark went out there and someone had rummaged thru the jeep. AGAIN. Little did they know this happens so frequently, we don't even lock the door anymore. I just wish they would shut the door when they are done to keep all of the feral cats out of the car.
CITY LIVING? Not for me!!


Sarah said...

Well, that just blows.

I'm sorry that happened. Pretty sad when you have to start chaining your plants up so they don't get ripped off!

Corie said...

Darn it Karen!
I'm sorry to hear that your cactus was stolen.
I wish that you didn't have such incidents with the other city residents....

What could we do?
I'm thinking of some combination of a video camera, swirling red lights and a siren.... Hmmm.....